Pick Your Poem

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gap Between Rich and Poor

After reading this article multiple things I never thought of before popped in my head. I feel as if Bob Shillman had the most logical things to say. “Everybody in this country has opportunity,” said Shillman. “What’s important is to rise above the thought that you are doomed to poverty.” I think what Shillman was trying to say that if you were born into poverty or lost all your money there is a way to rise above it, get a job and live a life with necessities. Shillman donates money to charity and works hard. People with money weren't just given it, they earned it.
Why does this gap occur? I personally think it's because people go where they feel welcome or similar. Everyone just thinks riches like riches and poors like poors, and they can't combine. Although this gap shouldn't exist it does because our ancestors adopted this habit and passed it down to us. So the fact is this gap is not our fault it's who ever came before us.
This gap could possibly be fixed, but the only way to fix that is to make sure everyone has an equal amount of everything. But that's not life, life is something cruel and unfair. That's what its meant to be, nothing more. No one specifically can fix this. It's everyone a part of this world. So we all must try to fix it. People are stubborn and rude. But also nice and helpful. Whether they are rich or poor doesn't matter they are human and we all are.

So Close, Yet Still So Far Apart

 What if all the homeless people and the multi-billionaires switched lives for a week? Would the rich men and woman become humble and finally realize what its like to lose everything, and the homeless people share their wealth, how they wanted the rich people to do? Or would everything stay the same, how it is now? With the begging and the greediness, but with different people.

If I were rich I would give 100 dollar bills to every homeless person I see. That way they have the choice to do anything with it. They could pay for a night in a clean bed, in a nice motel. Or buy new, warm clothes for the winter. Because of society today, I also have an instinct that they could go buy drugs or alcohol with it. Really it is their choice, it would just make me happy knowing I made a difference in someone's life.

Unfortunately, I would only be one millionaire that is trying. And there are way to many homeless people, for me to change the world by myself. Imagine, though, if every millionaire, billionaire, or gazillionaire, did this. Every homeless person, in the whole world, eventually, would have 100 dollars. That doesn't mean doing this would end homelessness. It would just mean we made difference in their lives. So yes, I do think this we can fill the gap between rich and poor. It isn't one person's job though,it is all of ours. If everyone gives money and they take it and use it in a good way, we could help make the gap smaller. However in this economy, not everyone has the money to give everyday. A smart thing to do would be, to leave a plastic cup in your cup holder. Keep filling it with loose change, and then when you see a homeless person, give them all of the change.

The Social Gap

   In the modern day infrastructure there is a large social gap. Those who are rich ignore the poor, the poor want the rich to see them. The gap is ridiculous and not needed. Just because you have more or less money doesn't mean that you are any more or less of a person than they are. In everyday life the rich overlook the less fortunate. Some live in huge mansions sprawling over poor towns boasting over their wealth. Some people who are rich are sincere and they donate money to the less fortunate. Some poor people still donate what they have to spare.

   This is reflected even at my age. Kids boasting about all of their expensive clothes and how they are allowed to make jokes about the less cheap clothes other wear. They feel it is okay to do this because they are better.

  This gap is ridiculous and shouldn't exist. Whether it is in school or every day life.

The Gap Under Construction


       Does it really mean something if you're rich or poor? Do you really need a title over your head representing who you are? If it was up to me, I don’t think so. Well, yeah there are low-class, middle-class, and the first-class families, BUT I don’t think we need to separate ourselves from other people because of what we look like, what we do, how much money we make, or where we live. Does it really matter?
       People like Kathleen Krantz, in this article, which got divorced and never built her social security because she thought she would still be married, basically threw her life away because of that. Now Kathleen and her college-aged daughter are homeless and sleeping in their car. It could’ve been totally different if she would’ve spent the time to set up her social security. Now look where it took her.
       Now and days the “homeless” is becoming a joke. It seems like today’s society can’t even trust the fact you want to give them money, but you can’t because you don’t know if it’s going to a good cause or are they really homeless. I know for personal experiences, I felt played because this girl I gave a few bucks to, we pretended to drive off to see what she was going to do with the money, and then right when we left she crossed the street and took off her “homeless clothes” and hopped in a car. I was totally shocked. But even though I had those experiences I still want to put myself out there for the world to see that I actually want to help and be a part of what they’re going through because I know it’s not an easy situation. I want to help as much as I can because I would want someone to do the same for me and I think our community should do it, as well. People need to know that its people less-fortunate than they are and they need help getting back on their feet.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can It Be Filled?

There is such a huge variety of people out there, some rich, some poor. Many people feel like it is those who are rich that need to be the ones to fix this gap. But, why should the rich who have earned their money by working hard give their earnings to someone who may not work as hard?
It may sound selfish, but those who are rich shouldn't be responsible for those who are poor.
The poor are poor because they either didn't work as hard, or they didn't get the proper education.
Who's fault is that? Those who are poor. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a little helpful by giving a homeless person a few dollars once in a while. In fact, it would make the world a better place.
I'm trying to say that those who are rich should never be forced to give their money to the poor. They should never be frowned upon for choosing not to give their money to someone less fortunate.
I, myself, coming from a middle class family, think it's someone's fault. Somebody didn't work hard enough. Somebody didn't go to school like they should've. Somebody didn't or did do something.
It is very sad to see people who seem like they don't have a kind enough heart just to give a homeless person a few dollars, but they've probably worked their tails off getting the money they have. That's why their rich.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The way I see Life

There is a Spanish version and an English version.

The way I see life is like a blooming and then dying rose. The rose is a beautiful flower, even as the rose is barely starting to grow it is beautiful. Everyone on Earth is like a rose. Time passes and like the rose we grow and grow. But then we reach the highest point of magnificence. After point,both the rose and us slowly start to die. Everything about us just fades away to a pale Gray. We can not control it, for instead of fearing death , we embrace every last color we have till the end. So like the glowing and beautiful, red, rose, grow  everyday  until that magic point. Then embrace the fate of death , like you would embrace the fate of life.

Speak Assignment

I took this picture to describe my emotional state lately. My emotional state has been up and down but to be honest its been mostly rainy or gloomy. I also put one whole leaf in the picture to show that I feel like out of place. Although it seams that my meaning is depressing and whiny I made sure there was flower petals. Why flower petals? Well because flowers to me symbolize happiness and sunshine. My emotional state can't exactly be described by anything but I tried with this picture and I feel like it works well.

Speak Project

How does this bird represent me? The bird represents freedom. I honestly feel free, like I was able to fly away from it all and I'm learning how to build my nest, my future. I see myself as a funny, vibrant person who is very colorful, but on the inside I am a sensitive person and I'm not quite sure who I am yet. The colorful feathers represent my colorful outer personality. The red and black feathers represent the uncertainty and the pain on the inside. The light, gentle purple represents the sensitivity underneath all of the baggage.

Speak Free Writes

1. Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art, or school? Is this fair? Are adults like this? (20).

       Why do people frown upon others who are better then themselves? This sort of thing happens all the time no matter where you are. Usually younger children and teenagers get caught up in this competitive game in life which is being better then everyone else. But it happens to adults too. I never really understood why but as humans we get this angry felling when someone does something better than you have, you can deny it all you want but it has happened to everyone in some way. It is unfair to dislike someone who has been good at something and possibly better than you. Would it be fair to you if you did something really good and someone disliked you for it? You would probably say, “No it wouldn’t be fair.” Well if that were true why does everyone seem to dislike others better than themselves. Is it because it belittles you? Or makes you feel like your not important? Well there is no reason to dislike someone better than you at something, because you are good at what you do and no one can change that. So don't feel angered when someone does something you can't because you have your own goals to worry about and you can do what everyone else can't which is be you.
2. Mr. Neck doesn't understand Free Speech as David Petrakis does, but through this part of the novel, the reader can think about what it means to have the freedom to say what one believes. What does free speech mean to you?

F            Freedom of speech. Does it really even have a meaning? Have you ever been told not to say something to someone because its not nice, or there’s no use in saying it? Well the law freedom of speech say we have the right to say what we want to who we want. Yet everyone seems to think it is okay to tell someone their not aloud to say some things. There is no point in having the freedom of speech if it is taken away anyways. To me freedom of speech is being able to say whatever you please with out people telling you their are limits to what you can and can not say. There is no need for a freedom of speech if everyone is going to judge you for what you say anyways.

3. Are we sometimes different people on the outside than we are on the inside? Which characters from the novel fit this description? Why is this true about people, do you think?

       People are all different in many ways. Everyone has their own personalities. Some people don't like to express the way the feel inside like others may like to. Melinda doesn't like talking to people because of the incidents that happened to her. She takes a long time to express what is really going on and how she feels. Melinda doesn't really show ow she feels inside to others, this proves that Yes, you can be different on the inside than you are on the out. This happens to many people after something tragic happens to someone usually they don't want to express all of their feelings. I do believe that people can be different on the inside then they are on the out. It all depends on what kind of person you are.
4. Melinda's parents tell her that she's too old to go trick or treating and she pretends to be mad. Why do you think Melinda is both relieved and sad not to go trick or treating? What does it feel like to leave childhood traditions behind? (39).

       Melinda is happy her parents aren't making her go tick or treating. She does not have any friends besides David who she does not really see outside of school. She does not want to tell her parents what had happened to he at that party so she pretends to be angry that she can not go trick or treating that year. Melinda is also a bit sad because she feels as if her whole childhood has already disappeared after what had happened to her at the party, and not going trick or treating just adds to that. Not being considered as a child has its good and bad aspects and i thing Melinda realized this in the book.

5. Why is it that people sometimes "like us" more when they can get something out of us? Are the Marthas good friends to Heather? Why or why not? (82).

       Us humans are naturally greedy people and love getting what we want. When someone just hands you anything you want you seem to want to hang onto that person. When people start to act like they like you so much more when you're doing something for them or giving them something they are truly not your real friends. Heather is a “Martha” only because she does everything they want from what i believe. I honestly don't see the Marthas as Heather's friend at all because they have only used her to get what they desire. These girls do not treat Heather as a real friend would. People do not need to be catered at their every wish. Its not hard to do things on your own sometimes you will live.

6. Write about one of Mr. Freeman’s “words of wisdom” and how it is either true or false, based on your learning and experience: (choose another quote if you like)
-"You must walk alone to find your soul" (118)
-"Art is about making mistakes and learning from them" (122).
-"Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting" (153).

       Mr. Freeman's quote “Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting.” is a completely true and inspiring quote. Everything and everyone have flaws. Nothing and no one can be perfect. If everything were perfect life would be absolutely boring. An imperfection doesn't have to a bad thing you only see something how you choose to see it. See you imperfections as something good because no on should tell you that your flaws can mess you up or make you different from everyone else. Being different is a good thing no one and nothing should be exactly the same. Imperfection is beauty.

7. David is a true friend to Melinda, but he tells her something she may not want to hear. He says that people have to speak up for their rights, referring to the suffragettes. What should his words mean to her? (159).

       David is not insulting Melinda in a bad way. He wants Melinda to know that she can't be happy without speaking a single word. If nobody knows what her problems are no one can help and nothing will change for her. David just wants to help her speak up because he is a true friend and only tells her what he believes will truly help. Melinda struggles with speaking to people and David is trying to help her find a way through that because he wants to be there for her as a friend. David is the only person who has been their for Melinda and she should trust him and take the advice.

8.Melinda's father explains to her that the arborists are cutting off disease and damage to make it possible for the tree to grow again. How can the pruning of the tree be compared to Melinda's life? (187).

       Melinda has struggled with a lot of thing in the past year. After the indecent at the part the summer before her whole life got turned upside down. Everything has changed fro Melinda and know one even knows it. She is not broken. She is holding on by just a little just like the tree is. Melinda need help with what has happened and with the help she can become a new person and be happy again. The tree is the same way, with a few trims and fixes the tree will be as good as new and back to a healthy start. Melinda's life is much like the trees'. With a few changes Melinda and the tree can go back to how they once were, happy and healthy. Bad things don't have to turn into worse things with a little help everything can change.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Speak Free Write Assignment

1.) We sometimes do not like people who are good at things because we have the feeling of JEALOUSY! Yes, jealousy. Most likely because, for personal reasons, they don’t want to feel the “shine” taken away from them or let everyone watch them succeed instead of others. I do think it is fair because everybody goes through it and has it inside them somewhere. Everybody feels the same thing you are feeling one day or another day. And adults are definitely like this, duh.  It’s not like when you hit a certain age you stop having the same emotions. That will be very interesting and a little skeptical. Don’t ya think? I also, think that adults act more jealous then kids do because adults have money and can buy more things for themselves like a house, or a sports car, a yacht, pool, Jacuzzi, nice clothes, new sunglasses, etc.

2.) I think that free speech means that you have the freedom to say what is on your mind, what you might be thinking, or your opinion. Not at any given time, just freely. It seems the more the world understands this it is just getting out of hand. Yes, you probably don’t go to jail for it, but when you do have a line that you can’t cross. Some people use the “freedom of speech” as an excuse when they get handcuffed or someone calls the cops on them. You can’t just go anywhere and everywhere cussing people out, or talking about people to their faces. Watch what you say, but just know you have a right to freedom of speech.

3.) Most definitely we are different people on the outside than we are on the inside. You can be the prettiest person I have ever seen, but the meanest person to any and everyone who gets in your way. You can be the beach “hottie”, but the rudest person to everybody. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside just how you act on the inside or what you show people because actions speak louder than appearances, in my case. The character that fits the description is the Marthas because they are like the cool crowd that everyone wants be apart of but in reality they don’t really care about you.
4.) Melinda is relieved that her parents said she is too old to go trick or treating because she didn’t want to admit that nobody invited her to go with them, but she is probably sad because she had so many good memories with her friends that she missed and loved so much but didn’t have no one to go with. It feels not depressing but depressing because you don’t have anything else to do when that day comes around; you just mope around trying to figure out what to do, but not get upset thinking about. But the saddest thing about leaving a childhood tradition behind is going back to school and your friends bragging about what they did and you don’t have anything to tell them so you just sit there alone.

5.) People sometimes like us more because we are like a tool when they are in need of some construction building to upgrade their lives more, in my opinion. It seems that certain people can’t just be a real friend to someone by having someone to share good times with, laugh at each other’s jokes, sleep over each other’s houses, or invite them to a party. The Marthas in my opinion are not really good friends to poor Heather or even friends at all. It seems like since she got that modeling job in the mall they all started “noticing” her even more than before  and wanted to be her bestest bud.

6.) “You must walk alone to find your soul.” I like this “word of wisdom” statement. It seems to show me to walk on your own path by yourself to find who you are on the inside. I actually like it a lot. You can’t find yourself in a group of people who you can’t relate to or they can’t relate to you, but if you separate yourself from that group you will be able to find yourself no matter what. It might just take some time. If you are confused on whom you are question yourself and look in the mirror, is this who you really are?

7.) His words should mean to Melinda a whole lot because David is basically telling her you have the right to speak up. To use your speaking abilities to do something; to say something. Don’t let people make you tiny by walking all over you because they yell and scream. If you have a point that needs a little proving you better scream and shout and jump around more than the other guy to prove your point. You might have your very first shouting tournament with someone who doesn’t care what you have to say. You need to tell people what is on your mind before your chance goes to waste.

8.) I think that the dad is actually cutting down the tree to show Melinda it doesn’t hurt to start over and become a changed person since she came out and told people what she did was necessary because of what happened at the party.  The pruning of the tree can be compared to Melinda’s life because the tree grows like she grows in the story, its limbs branches out showing that she can do different things and change herself to have different relationships with different people, and the leaves shows just how far she came and how much she improved knowing that she grew into a better person than she was when she started out at the crazy, twisted roots.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Unwritten rules of owning a cat

In loving memory of Max 10~2~12
 Owning a pet is a big responsibility, but from my experience, cats aren't that hard to take care of.  Here are some tips on owning a cat. By the way, these tips will most likely be for the cats on the street. If you bought a pure-bred (not a stray) then don't pay attention to this post.

Rule #1: Only pick them up , about, twice a day.
One thing that I do remember, is that my cat was moody. One day my cat loves me and would lay on me, and the next day he would scratch me and bite me for no reason. Whether he loved or hated me that day was unpredictable.So that this doesn't happen to you, I recommend that you only try to pick them up 2-3 times a day. If it is having that day were it is in love with you, it will come to you on its own. Don't be tricked by its fake "sweet angel kitten" act. It could turn ugly if you let your guard down.

Rule #2: Never own or wear any black clothing
Every cat sheds, and when it sheds, it gets everywhere. It gets on your furniture, it becomes part of the air, it gets in your food, which to leads to the mouth, and most important, it gets on clothes. So it really isn't smart to own black clothing. If you own a naked/shaved/bald cat, you don't have to worry about this type of stuff happening to you. Another smart thing to do is to have a huge supply of lint rollers. Even though you can't see it as much, the shed is on all of your clothing. Also brush the cat everyday or else it will throw up hair balls,that is no lie.

Rule #3: Always clean the kitty litter once a day.
From my experience, if the kitty litter is not cleaned once a day, the house begins to smell like cat pee and poop. So unless you like the smell of cat box, I recommend you clean it everyday. There were times when I was paranoid that I smelled like litter odor, because I did not follow this rule all the time. Another tip is to not have it in the family room, your bedroom etc. If you put it in, maybe, the garage or outside, your house probably will not have a kitty odor. Also a thing that people are doing now is potty training their cat. It is recommended to do it when they are young. If you do it when they are already used to the kitty litter box, it will be more of a challenge for, both, you and your cat.

Rule #4: Never ever ever own rodents, birds, reptiles, fish, or even insects.
This is not Tom and Jerry. The cat won't use objects to try to kill the other pet.Your cat will succeed in killing the other pet in any way. I once had a fish, her name was Princess, and it was like any other day. I went to school, then came home. When I walked into the door, my poor Princess was dried up, laying on the carpet, dead. To make it worse, someone in my house joked and said "Hey guess I don't need to get dinner.We're having sushi!"  So to save a life, please, do not own any other pets. However, I recommend owning another cat, other than this one, also. The other cat is less likely to become depressed, lonely, and suicidal if it has a friend.

Rule #5: Take your cat the veterinarian regularly.
This is the most important one. Cats are like humans, they need to have check-ups too. I wish that I had done this with my cat. Maybe he would have had more time or maybe even not died at all, if I took him to the vet. Also, if you ever think that something is wrong with your cat or they are acting weird don't even think twice about taking them to the vet. It is important that the cat be fixed when you first get it, so that it can not have kittens or not get another cat pregnant. While you are there at the first appointment, also get all of their shots done. If you do not get these done, there is a high chance it will spray or get rabies.

P.S.  These are only tips that come from experience. However, not all of them happened. I was not a bad cat owner, if that is what you got from this whole post.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unwritten Rules of Being in the Girl's Locker Room

The Girls locker room!!! Being in the girl's locker room is not a scary place just be aware of your surroundings. You can't turn your back for one second without something happening to you or to someone else. Be prepare.
  1. If you are in the girls locker and you know you kind of have a stinch on you or you're musty. Tip: take your clothes off at the same time as the person next to you, so you won't be automatically spotted.
  2. Make sure you do not have a murph (wedgie) or girls will say OUT LOUD ewwww pull that out! That's so NASTY! I see your "behind."
  3. If you are ASHY and in NEED of some LOTION whisper to one or two people that's the closest next to you do you have some lotion. If not, make the quickest route possible to the nearest water place or someone you can TRUST to get some lotion on those ashy ankles or someone will EMBARASS you in front of everybody in that locker room because of how ashy you are.
  4. If you are wearing flats, sandals, or shoes that don't need socks make sure you bring an extra pair of socks for p.e. or spray your shoes with something that smells like febreze. If you don't, rumors will go around and say you have some smelly fungus feet.
  5. If you are on "that time of the month" wear some shorts under your pants or make sure you smell really good before removing any clothing because if anyone smells something, they will say something OUT LOUD.
  6. Do not forget your p.e. clothes because if you do that word LOANER will stick to you.
  7. When you are dressing out, make sure you have your backside to a wall or something that covers it because your friends will come behind and smack you as hard as they could. REAL TALK! Be prepared and take cover.
  8. If you let out a little gas be sure you are not the first one who says, "Do you smell that," because they will automatically blame you and put you on blast.
  9. Make sure you have every undergarment on right and tight before taking off any clothes because whoever got flashed will say something that makes you feel bad about yourself and everyone will stare at you like you have something on your face.
  10. Lastly, before you are finished make sure you look in the mirror and check every aspect of your body to see if anything is messed up or showing something or anything because most girls will just let you walk out looking like a hot mess.
These are the unwritten rules of being in the girl's locker room. Take them in and make sure you don't forget. Be prepared and take cover!

Unwritten Rules of Going on Pointe

          Pointe!! Ummm ya it hurts! What is pointe? Pointe is when a ballerina goes on the tips of her toes. Pointe shoes are hand made shoes ballet shoes with multiple parts to allow ballerinas to go on the tips of their toes. So what are the unwritten rules of going on pointe?

  1. Get over your box!! The box... the tip of your pointe shoe (usually made of paper hardened by glue and occasionally wood). Lets just say if you don't get over your box don't be surprised if you have a broken ankle...
  2. Don't complain... When I say complain I mean don't say, "This hurts my toe..." It hurts every ones toe. You can ask about how to reduce pain in your toe which would be nice to have less pain. Don't complain because you knew before you were on pointe the levels of pain most likely to be involved.
  3. Keep your toe nails short!! If they are too long they can crack... I know the feeling of cracked toe nails... it's not fun! Cut them enough to where you don't break skin! If your nails are too long they can also be pushed away from the skin that holds the nail to the toe. So your nail can be pushed away from the skin and start large amounts of blood... not fun! Beware of ingrown toe nails!
  4. Despite the pain in your toes try to look happy. Yeah it's hard I know. But try to look like you are living your dream and be happy. Despite the pain remember why you are doing this? Hopefully it's because you love it.
      Follow these rules... please!!! And if your going on pointe good luck!

The Unwritten Rules of Going to The Girl's Bathroom.

The Unwritten Rules of Going To The Girls Bathroom:
1. Don't ever go alone. You never know if your enemy is in there doing her make up and you might need back up.
2. Always wash your hands. Even if you don't usually, do it because if someone sees you leave without doing it then rumors will spread saying you're dirty.
3. Don't actually sit on the toilet. You have no idea who's sat there.
4. If you see two girls arguing in there then you leave.
5. If all the mirrors are taken by the popular girls doing their make up then you just wait till they're done to wash your hands.
6. ALWAYS check if there is toilet paper. NOBODY is going to put their hand under the door to give you some.
7. Don't put your backpack on the ground. The ground is disgusting and that's why you bring your best friend so they can hold your stuff while you do your business.
8. Don't talk to anyone from separate stalls. That's just weird and nobody wants to be bothered while taking care of business.
9. DON'T EVER, EVER, look through the crack in the stall. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU MIGHT SEE.
10. If you're going to text while in there, go in a stall so the proctors won't see you on your phone when they walk in.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Memorial of the Alley Pizza

How do you taste longing for someone?
It's that salty taste in your mouth
The strong,sour taste you get
Like you've just walked through an alley
And the smell of the alley reeks so horridly
That you can taste it
But, you almost enjoy it.

The taste of a day old box of pizza
Simmering in the July sun
In an old dark alley dumpster
In that neighborhood

The stench full taste is full of memories
Full of laughter and delight
That you used to adore

The opposite of having someone
Having that someone who was there with you
Through the stench
To create the delight.

What Happens to a Soul Forgotten

What happens to a soul forgotten?
Does it run free,
lost in the night?
Will it seek revenge,
one the ones who once said,
I love you?
Or forget it all,
to find only peace and happiness?
Can it pierce ones mind,
with dimenting thoughts?
Maybe even keep you awake at night,
What happens to a soul forgotten?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life As A Teenage Girl

She changed so much.
She grown so fast.
Hanging out with boys.
They're going to need a cast.
Wearing make-up at this age.
Each day its different.
Why is she doing this?
Just to get compliments?
She makes mistakes.
And never learns the first.
Ignores most people now..
Is it just me or is this a curse?
Can't make up my mind.
Need to know what to do.
I finally realized,
This is what all parents go through.
Feel kind of sorry.
Just for my friends.
But now, thinking.
It might depend.
Things I said.
I caused them pain.
Hopefully they forgave me.
Because I don't want to play this game.
I really can't explain.
How hard this is.
I'm not going to just try,
but I'm going to accomplish.
My family tries to help.
But they don't know what to do.
I'm trying to figure it out.
As much as they're trying to.
It's time to grow up.
And become a lady.
I'm going to change.
And hopefully I'm ready.

My Fair-well Ode to Twinkies

I miss you
And your rich cream
that felt like tiny,white pillows
dancing with my taste buds
every time I devoured you

I will miss you
and your warm, welcoming texture
So golden and soft
How I long for your sweet smell of love

I thought you were the devil inside a fattening and sugary pastry
Then, I tried you
and I felt God hug me
in that brief moment
as I bit into you for the first time
Even making me forget how unhealthy you are

But now you are gone
Forever I will miss you
I'm very sad that my grandchildren
won't feel the joy of you
They will never have that marvellous first bite
I'm glad I could love you while it lasted

I will never forget you my dearly beloved Twinkie

Photo Credit

Favorite Poem-Alpha and Omega

                                                             Alpha and Omega
                                                        Two different individuals
                                                  They do as the sun and moon do
                                                           When they meet
                                                              They balance


A sweet thing, but also painful.
The pain is over,
But only for the ones lucky enough to die.

There are the lucky ones.
There misery ends by taking there lives.
No more hate,
No more fake love.

Then there's the ones who are happy.
Happy with there lives.
Happy with everything.

Then there's me.
I live day to day suffering the pain.
The pain of losing a loved one,
The memories flooding in my head.
The memories of that lucky one.

You left me behind.
You left m in this creul,sick world,
The world we all call home.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review for Le Bistro

  Le Bistro is a french resturant located on Foothill. It is by far one of my most favorite resturants. Although it can cost over one hundred dollars per person, it is completely worth it. Whether it be the succulent lamb chops, the amazing snails(yes I just said snails), or the delicous souflees, it is one of the best resturant I have been to. The staff are amazingly friendly and you don't even have to speak French, they are all bilingual.
   Even though they had to switch venues multiple times, my family still continues to go there just like they did when they first opened(I of course was not yet born). If you do go there, be prepared, anything that has meat costs no less than $30 and the appetizers cost about $15 each. I would recommend the lamb chops or pork loin, both are huge servings. I strongly urge you to they the escargot, or the snail, which may seem disgusting, but is amazingly delicious.
   This is by far my most favorite restaurant of all time.

Catalina Island

Don't know where your next trip might be headed? I suggest you should go to Catalina Island! It's great for an adventure with either hanging out with your girlfriends, chillin' with the boys, spending quality time with that special someone, or just riding solo. You can do so much there. That island might be small, but I have to hand it to the Wrigleys - it is an adventure that you're going to love. Catalina is the place to go.
For some people, its boring but, hey, what do you expect? Well see for yourself, there  is too many activities to be sitting around in some hotel room all day. There is para sailing, bike rentals, bubble rolling, touring, miniature golf, food tasting, golf cart rentals, museums, a movie theatre, segway renting, scavenger hunts, trolley rides, wildlife viewing, zip lining, fishing, kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, glass bottom boat touring, sailing, etc. Pick for yourself!?! It's so much to choose from, you probably can't even make up your mind. I know you want to. To know more about what you can do at Catalinea or even want to book a hotel room, check out this article.
Santa Catalina is just an island you can have so much fun. Its definitely a place where it can release all your stress and negativity in your life. Just pack up for a weekend or even a day, you won't regret it. It's so much fun I promise. Don't believe me, go for yourself, I bet you you'll have so much fun!!! I know I did with my mom! We only was there for a day, but it felt so long. It was so much fun. Can't wait to go sometime again!
I give Catalina Island five stars and two thumbs up!!!
If you want to know more information about Catalina Island check out this website. It will tell you about the background history - about the native americans, the birth of avalon, the banning years, and even about the Wrigleys. Have fun and enjoy your experience. And don't forget to take some pictures!


Riverside Is The Place To Be

     Have you ever seen the beauty that lies within the streets of riverside? People and children all around laugh and play. There is never a dull moment in The Meadows Apartments. The Apartments are a decent size and are perfect for a family. Tile floor and counters in the bathroom and kitchen. You have the choice of a 1 bedroom to 3 bedroom apartment. The bedrooms are a reasonable size for one or two people each. Beautiful, soft, tan carpet covers the house. The balcony's and backyards are great for a family get together or even just for sitting down and relaxing. There is a 8 foot deep pool that is perfect for summer and even 3 foot deep spa for night swimming. There's chairs that fold out so you can lay by the pool and just relax. Chairs and tent covered tables surround the area which are perfect for enjoying a nice lunch in the shade. It is absolutely great. 

     These tan colored apartments are so full of life.You wouldn't believe how much beauty you could find in such a place. People may think its an awful place but people always say the beauty lies deep inside, and that's where I look. Its easy to find beauty in such a simple place like an apartment building.There's colorful flowers that catch your eye as soon as you pass by. There's the bright sun that reflects off the pools and the smells of perfectly cut grass. Yeah, the neighborhood is not so great there is a minimal amount of graffiti and sometimes people get a little loud. You can also find a couple jerks there. But where can you go that you wont see these types of things? Its everywhere. But as far as that goes, I could say this is one of the most extravagant places you could be at night. Lights cover the apartment building completely. Walking past the pool is just beautiful, moon light reflects off of the water and leaves a calming blue color on the outside walls of the building.

     Across the street is where the magic happens. Wouldn't you like to live right across the street from an amusement park? Well if you move into The Meadows you'll get all the excitement you can living right across the street from Castle Park. Imagine that? Castle park is not all that expensive either. Bring a wallet with about $100 and your set for 4 people all day and still enough left over for a meal during your time. Riverside is full of exciting and unpredictable things. I one hundred percent recommend The Meadows Apartments to anyone and everyone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The White House... (The Restaurant)

The White House in Anaheim California, is by far one of the best restaurants I have ever been to. Not only does the food taste delicious but it looks incredible. I went to the White House once last year. My experience was incredible. I went on a Sunday for the Sunday brunch. I had incredible food and great service!

My meal started with a appetizer. I chose the calamari (one of my favorite foods), the calamari was so good!! Then I got my entree, I chose chicken and potatoes. My entree was delicately paired with a gorgeous bread sculpture. Mine happened to be shaped like a swan! In fact every entree is accompanied with a bread sculpture unless stated other wise. I also got dessert!! My personal favorite. I got chocolate covered strawberries!! With Belgian chocolate! My meal was like heaven!

There was also incredible service. Our waiter was not only kind but he was funny. He left us with something to talk about. We had great short conversations with the staff. I hope one day to go back to the White House! If you try it... TRY IT!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Big Tree

It's a short walk from home. It's tall and easy to climb. The street is busy during the day but at night, it's perfect. The neon lights from the Taco Bell across the street glisten on the leaves.
The sign is so spray painted you can't read what it says anymore. It's still and quiet. I've always wanted to sneak out at night and climb in with someone special. You can see the sun rise over the mountains in the early morning.
I would sit up there with my dad and we would watch the sunset during the summer. We would just talk about life.
I have a lot of great memories on the big tree. When I was little my mom would take me and my brother there. Now, I show all my friends the big tree.
It's old and it's a good tree. It had old moldy bark and dead crunchy leaves on the bottom. We aren't even supposed to be in it but, who's going to stop us?

Thursday, January 17, 2013


      Saying you want something is different then actually working for what you want. I two huge goals. One goal is to go to Harvard, I know its a high goal but working for the goal even if you don't accomplish it can still get you somewhere. My second goal is to one day own a dance studio.
     You may be thinking Harvard? Why do you want to go to Harvard, its not like you want to study law or anything like that do you? But just about a year ago I found out that Harvard has an incredible dance program. I hope that even if I don't make it into Harvard I will hopefully make it into another college with a great dance program.
    I also hope to one day own my own dance studio. I hope that opening my own dance studio will allow me to make people as happy dancing as I am. To reach my goal I will work as hard as I can in dance class. I will most likely need to go to college and study dance and also study buisness. Dancing can change everyone no matter if you are dancing or watching its gorgeous.
    I made a goal last year to go on pointe one day. I accomplished this goal yesterday. The feeling of accomplishing a goal can not be described by words. All the hard work paid off, and I was so incredibly happy with myself that nothing could ruin my day. Goals are to work for, don't think they come easily.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goals for 2013

     My goals for 2013 this year is definitely going to get accomplished. Haven't you ever made yourself resolutions or promises that is "planned" to be accomplished at the end of the year, but you never done them. Well, I say for 2013, you and me will have goals and accomplish them this year. Just stay determined and sure about yourself so you won't ever get discouraged and say you can't do it.
     One of my goals for 2013 is to get at least a B or higher in geometry. I'm going to complete that goal by first listen to the teacher's lessons and pay attention more. Second I'm going to make sure I understand everything that is being taught. If I don't understand it I will put it on my mind to stay after school and make sure before I go home, I get some help that I need. Lastly, I'm going to study at least every other day and try my best to know the thereoms, formulas, the work that is needed, perimeter, area, etc. Just for references later down the road when he quizzes us. Mostly I just want to get a B or higher in my geometry class and I think these steps help me.
     My second goal for 2013 is to get at least a B for my mile run. Which is between the time 8:01-9:00. Normally I get a C because I keep finishing up at the same time between 9:23-9:30. It kind of gets on my nerves because I'm so close getting that B grade, but I always end up getting tired on my 3rd lap around the field. But for this goal, I'm going to complete this by 4 easy steps. One, I'm going to leave my friends behind and not talk to them because it waste all my breath too fast. Second I'm going to paste myself to run the whole thing without stopping and regurlarly breathing. Third, I'm going to keep my head down while running so it doesn't seem like I have so much left to run my 4 laps. Lastly, I'm going to encourage myself and push myself to finish those 4 laps for a B grade and stay hydrated so I won't have that feeling of passing out (again). I think I can get a B grade on my mile run if I stick to it and follow all these steps.
     My last goal is to help the people around me who are less fortunate than me. I love love love to help people. This goal is one of the best goals I made for this year and I will be sure to accomplish it. My mom and I always use to help the Ronald McDonald House like repainting it, or cleaning down the walls, mopping the floors, or just something to make it look nice and tidy it up. Sometimes my mom and I volunteer and make foods bags and pass them out in parks to the homeless. I love to see their happy smiles and how thankful they are. And lastly this year my mom and I are going to start our own helpful volunteer work. This year my mom and I plan to make these packets for the homeless and donate toys to the children hospital for Christmas or near that time of the month. We're going to complete this goal by first buying toys now and continue to get toys during the year. Also, this is the time we're going to get all the supplies we need to get for the ToGo packets for the homeless. Second we're going to take the toys that we get and wrap all them up or put them in bags and signed them from your secret santa. And for the ToGo packets we're going to put them in the bag and stuff all the supplies that go with it. Lastly, we're going to take all the toys we collected, bought, and got donated to us, we're going to take them to the children's hospital and pass them out. And for the ToGo packets we're going to pack them all in our car and drive to different places or parks and hand them out to the ones in need. This year I think I can complete this goal with my mom if we stick to it and I keep reminding her because parents do forget.
     By reminding myself daily about my goals I'm sure I can achieve all of them by completing the following steps.

2013: My Goals

2013. The first year that I will actually complete one of my goals. I have a couple easy goals that will take some time, but I hope to complete before the end of the year.

My first goal is to read the complete works of Steven King. Whether it be The Shawshank Redemption, Misery (one of his worst books), or the one with the people stuck under a dome (can’t remember the name at the moment). I have wanted to do this for several years, but have not succeeded. I actually started one o his books a few years back, but I picked Misery and feel asleep three chapters in. So I decided to just not read his books, and instead watch the movie Shawshank Redemption. Big mistake, I wasn’t the appropriate age.

My second goal is to not get in trouble in class do to being very sarcastic. This has been a rather small problem since around third grade. Just pointing out, I didn’t say that I would stop, just dial it back a bit. I have only gotten in trouble once for being sarcastic in class and the only thing that happened was me getting a stern talking to. In my defense it was to a student who was using explicit words, so he had it coming.

   Those are my goals, and if I don’t complete them, I will do what my English teacher says I should do and grow a mullet. I’m going to regret saying that, aren’t I. Forget that part, I won’t grow one even if I don’t complete these goals.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Actions are better than words.

Everyone has once,around new years, written a few resolutions and vowed that they will be accomplished by the end of the year. Be honest, have you really every done them? I have a bad habit of writing down and promising myself to accomplish, almost impossible stuff, by the end of the year. Such as, loose 35 pounds or not have one "argument" with my mother for the whole year. I'm so pumped up and determined in the beginning, but normally punish myself in the end.  This year I will make it easier on myself and do small things that could happen. I, Sydney A., vow to accomplish these goals by the end of 2013, with help from friends, family, and the world around me. If my goals are not accomplished I will not give up, I will still try to reach my goals.

One of my easy goals that I  can do is to be able to do a cartwheel. Every time I gain the confidence in myself to do one I either one, do it, but crash and burn so badly my confidence disappears in the imaginary wind, or two, I'm about to do it and then chicken out and get discouraged. I was in gymnastics for maybe about 3-4 months and my teacher always would yell at me because I could never do it. To help me accomplish this I will do specific steps. Step 1:  On Fridays, after school, a teacher named Ms. Ashley and I, will go out to the field and practice them. Step 2: It could help if I figure out each step in the cartwheel and then practice those steps at a time. Step 3: I will watch as many videos that I have to, like this one, to do a cartwheel. My teacher always told me that I never kick high enough for it to be straight, so I can work on kicking off with more power and straightening my legs. I am determined to accomplish the cartwheel because I have never been able to do it. Who knows maybe after that, I can practice doing all kinds of flips and gymnastic stuff.

Photo Credit

My Goal.

As just a kid I don't have many goals. Most of them are just silly but, I do have one main goal on my mind right now. If I don't accomplish this goal then I'll be pretty upset with myself.
I've wanted to go to Warped Tour for a while now. Warped Tour is a huge event where all the great Heavy Metal bands play in one location. Lots of the bands that will be playing are great. One of my favorite bands will be there and their name is The Black Dhalia Murder.
In order to go to Warped Tour I had to ask my dad to pay for my ticket. It's not until June so I have time until it's here. During that time I have to pay off my ticket money. My dad already bought the tickets but I had to pay him back. I need $50 to pay him back.
In order to reach my goal of $50 I have a lot of chores to do. My dad won't give me more than $3 a chore because he doesn't think I should be payed to do things I'm suppose to do, like chores. I have to find mini jobs to do like mowing lawns or baby sitting. I've already made a few bucks just from my dad. I need to find people that will let me mow their lawn or baby sit their kids.
Starting off with making flyers or calling friends and family that live nearby. I need to set aside a jar to put my funds in. I need that money before June so, I hope I can do it. $50 may seem like it would be easy to make but not when you're 14 and have a stingy dad.

Don't Give Up On Your Goals!

     Have you ever had a goal or resolution that you really wanted to complete? Well I know sure I have. I started realizing that most of my goals or resolutions never really get completed because i try to set a goal that is just unbelievably hard. Most people do the same thing. I decided this year i'm not going to set a goal that is just completely insane that I will never accomplish. I was inspired to not reach for a goal to high by a video i saw on youtube. So this year my goal is to learn how to draw people a little better. I will take a few steps to complete the goal because its not like it can happen all on its own (a person could only wish) so I am going to practice every day drawing one person from different angles. The other step I will take is viewing other peoples art work to see ways I could improve on what I am doing wrong.

     To accomplish my goal I have to be able to accomplish the steps. So i decided every day i will make time to be able to draw one person. I could draw them from different angles every night and see what was are easier for me to do. If I complete this task i believe it will improve the way i draw people and help out drawing different types of people.

      To also help accomplish my goal I will view other peoples art work to see different ways of drawling. My perspective on art of people will hopefully change after i accomplish my goal.