Pick Your Poem

Friday, September 28, 2012

Starting a blog: for dummies

So you're going to start a blog. Well, I'll tell you something, they are not easy. Posting your first blog can be especially difficult. To start you off, here are some specific topics to blog about.
  • Craziest experience with a complete stranger.
  • The hardest thing you have ever had to do.
  • Bulling, what can you do to stop it?
  • What if sports were banned in America?
  • What I would do if I were president?
  • My pet peeves are and why?
  • Sometimes, adults seem...
  • Something my school really needs is...
  • If I could die and come back to life, what would I be and why?
Those are just a few topics of what you could write about. I hope that helped, if it did, great and I'm sure you will have a successful blog. If not, then I am truely sorry and I would say to you like my second grade teacher would say to me," Use your imagination sweetheart."

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are You A Confused Blogger?

        Are you a confused blogger trying to come up with different ideas to blog about. For some ideas read this article and look at some of the suggestions they give you. If you don't choose to do that, then just keep reading. For some bloggers, blogging can be confusing and stressful because you don't really know what to write about. Well I came to help you. Here are some suggestions to blog about:

1.) Personal experiences about something or a life lesson to teach.
2.) Parties or events that are going to take place.
3.) Gossip on celebrities.
4.) What is technology coming to.
5.)  Politics.
6.) Interviewing different people and post details or your conversations on your blog.
7.) Fashion.
8.) School.
9.) Survey people or blog about surveys if they are good or bad.
10.) Most genre of music listened to daily.
11.) Tips on beauty.
12.) Make a list of anything that you would want people to know about like the best fast food restaurants to eat at or soda to drink.
13.) Sports.
14.) Reviews on how a certain place was. Like restaurants, amusement parks, games, department stores, donut shops, etc.
15.) The weather like earthquakes, hurricanes, tsuanmis, sand storm, etc.
16.) Jobs.
17.) Cellular devices effecting the community.
18.) Instructions  or steps on how to do something.
19.) Dance.
20.) Family.

Hopefully now you kind of have an idea to blog about. Now go get cracking on that blog! :)

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What should I blog about? Music! Here's a list of my top 10 favorite Electro songs ever. EVER!
  1. Kick Out The Epic Motherf****er by DaDa Life
  2. Drive it like You Stole It by Glitchmob (Cryptex Reglitch)
  3. Epic by Cyberpunkers
  4. My Life by Nom De Strip ft. Sue Cho
  5. Bad Wings by The Glitchmob
  6. Vibrations by Foamo
  7. Toxic is Dead by Cyberpunkers (Haezer Remix)
  8. Here come The Punks by Haezer
  9. Going In by Birdy Nam Nam (Skrillex Goin' Hard Mix)
  10.  Twins by Karasho
I suggest you look them up!! A lot better than that silly rap every one else listens to. Enjoy!!

What Can I Blog About?

"What can I blog about today?" Is your mind completely blank on what to blog about? Finding the right topic to blog about can be hard. So here's a few tips to help you when you decide to start blogging.

1.) Blog about your family
2.) Interview someone important to you
3.)Is there life after death?
4.)Whats a good pet for you?
6.)Television shows
7.)Sports teams
8.)Post pictures
10.)Blog about bullying
11.) Relationships
13.) Babies
14.)Learning how to ride a bike
16.) Field trips
19.)School events
20.)Blog about yourself!

Enjoy the blogging you do! Blogging can be very fun if you have a good topic to write about. So get back to that computer and start your blogging. 

Top Three Books and Series

This is a list of some of the best books and series that I have read during my young life. 1.The Rangers Apprentice. This series is about a young, medieval orphan that is accepted to become part of a mysterious group called Rangers. He becomes one of the most gifted of them all. This series of ten books is my favorite thing to read.                                                                                                            2. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. This series is about two twins who are wrapped up in a war between one Nicholas Flamel and the infamous John Dee(yes, the historical one). This series of six books is high on my favorite book chart.                                                                            .   3. The Oddysey. I bet everyone that has graduated highschool knows this book. For those who aren't familiar with this book, This book is over two millenium old. This book is about the mighty Oddyseus, who is the king of Ithica and the hero of the Trojan War. On the journey home, he encounters the seductive Calypso, the terrifying Cyclops, and a group of ogers, sirens, wizards, and gods. During all of this, his wife is forced to choose a new king.                                                                                    This is my favorite book that was written a very long time ago. These are some of my favorite books and I hope that you will read these too.

20 Blog Post Ideas

          Blogging can be hard if you don't know what to write about. For some ideas look at these ideas, but for better ideas just read this blog post.
  1.  Write a Review- Write a review on a book, movie, or music thats popular now. Just show your opinion.
  2. A How To- Write a how to on things like for example I wrote a how to on arabesques.
  3. Write About Music- Write about your favorite type of music or your least favorite type of music compared to your favorite type of music.
  4. Write About a Type of Sport- For example if I was writing about a sport i might write about baseball and how I cant play it that often cause im allergic to grass.
  5. Maybe Even Write About Dogs- So many topics can be made about dogs. You could argue dog lovers against cat lovers.
  6. You Could Also Make A List-  Make a list about anything like what the top 10 best candy's are in your opinion.
  7. Another Would be Maybe a Visual Post- As in post pictures of a place you visited last year. So pictures.
  8. Dance- I would personally write about dance because I love to dance!
  9. The Weather- You could even write about the weather. Like weather patterns of the year.
  10. I Would Like To Write About Fashion- The most popular fashion trends. Or what you like to wear to school.
  11. Beauty Tips- New hairstyles or how to do a smokey eye.
  12. The Kansas City Chiefs- If you follow them or if you despise them.
  13. What Tired People Do- Many people say that when they are tired everything is more funny so you could share your tired stories.
  14. Facebook- Right about being on facebook.
  15. Cell Phones- Is it safe to have a cell phone or another acces to bullying
  16.  Heck Write About Math- If you don't appreciate math like me.
  17. Write About School- Do you enjoy going to school to learn or to just to see friends.
  18. Even Write About Shopping- Do you hate it or are you addicted to it, like me?
  19. Have A Survey- Ask your friends what there favorite food is.
  20.  Guest Blogger- Have a friend or a neighbor write an article.

How To Do An Arabesque

Arabesque ^
        An arabesque, like the one shown in the picture to your left, can be hard but also easy to master. After reading this instructional article I thought that I should write my blog post about how to do an arabesque. To do an arabesque do the following steps in order. Make sure that before you try an arabesque that you have stretched out your legs and back.

  1.      If you are just learning how to do an arabesque hold on to a barre or chair for balance. Start by putting one hand on chair or barre. After that do a tondue to the back, so in other words point your foot with a straight leg to the back of you. 
  2.        Following step 1 slowing start to raise your leg that is tondue. Now don't forget to keep your leg straight and your foot pointed. Also try to keep your leg turned out. 

        Although the arabesque does not have many steps it is still quite difficult to master. The more flexible you are the higher your arabesque will go. Don't push your self too much trying to do your arabesque because it is very easy to hurt yourself. For example just the other day I forgot to stretch my back before doing my arabesque and I pushed myself harder than usual and it made my back very sore.  Arabesques are quite beautiful when done correctly. I hope this informational step-by-step article will help you figure out how to do an arabesque.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Should Teachers Have A Dress Code?

             After reading this article  in my own opinion I can agree and disagree on both sides about should teachers have a drees code. Me, personally, I believe that teachers should have a dress code. If teachers didn't have a dress code what is the point of calling their career "professional." If you act professional you need to show it, and if you can't dress properly you obviously need a dress code. Just like the saying you have to give respect to earn respect. Teachers that come to school  who dress inappropiately clearly doesn't care about teaching, so why should students?
            Teachers should understand by now that, what you present in front of your students tends to rub off. Some teachers do not need a dress code but most do because they think since they are an adult they can wear what ever. That is why I agree on saying yes to giving teachers a dress code. The whole point of having a dress code is to prevent people from wearing clothes that shows their undergarments that isn't school appropriate.When people think of teachers, they think of a proffesional, educated, human being who is well dressed. If teachers want to come to school in their gym shorts and a stained t-shirt they shouldn't get the title/credit of a "proffesional" because they don't want to act like one.
            I understand as a teacher you have to stand up most of the school day so you wear tennis shoes because dress shoes and heels are uncomfortable, but there is a certain line that you can't cross when wearing certain appropriate clothes for school. Tennis shoes, slacks, belt, a collar shirt or a buttoned down long sleeve, and a tie should be recommended for men to wear to school. As for women it depends on how you feel and what suits you. You can wear a dress, a lengthy skirt, jeans, capris, flats, sandals (with a strap), heels, or just a plain suit. Therefore in my opinion I believe that dress code should be enforced on teachers who actually need to be aware of what they are wearing to school.

Dress Codes for teachers?

Should teachers have dress codes? Well I think they should, but then also I think they shouldn't. Teachers should already know that they shouldn't come to school in the tiniest shorts and a tank top. They are adults and our inspirations. They should already know to come to school dressed appropriately. Teachers are here to teach, but shouldn't they also be comfortable? I think they should have a light dress code.

If they come to school dressed way to provocatively, of course they will need to change. If they have to change just because the neck line is a bit low, well I think that's plain ridiculous. If they had a dress code for every teacher in every state, the dress code would have to be different for every state. Face it, Southern California is way to hot. Although in North Carolina, they might have completely different weather.

As simply said in this article, teachers don't get paid enough to spend a lot of money on clothes. They can barely pay for the school supplies (that us students lose too often). The teachers have to keep buying the supplies with their paycheck money that the school doesn't think they need to pay for. Maybe there can be a dress code when America isn't in debt anymore. Right now the economy is too low to have a dress code for teachers. It's bad enough that our parents have to pay extra just because "oh we can't buy those shorts, there 5 centimeters to short."

In this article, the lady has a point. It's not the teachers fault if she was young and made a couple mistakes (ex. body piercings, tattoos etc.). It is a good thing though that they still let her have the position. It is strange that kids at my school have body piercings and face piercing, and that woman in the article couldn't. I'm sure though that our school allows something like that because it is a mistake that you make when you are immature and young. Those things are permanent.

Teachers should wear appropriate clothing to school, since they are influencing us. If a teacher wants the students to think they are a fun teacher, they need to show it in personality, not in the way they look. How would you feel if you were being taught by a woman that's almost half naked? I would be pretty uncomfortable and wouldn't be able to wait till the class was over. Be smart teachers!

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Teachers:Dress Code

       Many teachers have fought over their dress code rights. Dress codes have been a touchy matter for both students and teachers. Honestly, I feel that there should be a light dress code. This mostly goes for female teachers(no, I am not sexist, this is just the truth, sorry ladies). Most parents don't want to walk into their childs' classroom and see that their teacher is half-naked. This is not a common problem with most male teachers. The only common problem with male teacher is the odd v-neck that goes too low or the occational saggy pants (ew!). Just because a teacher isn't dressed professionally, that doesn't mean that they should be sent home to change(especially since some teachers live far away from their school). To prevent ths, teachers should keep a change of clothes in their car or classroom incase they break dress code. All that I am asking is that teachers, please have some dignity and come to school dressed like a civilizied adult.

Teacher Dress Code

               After reading this article I had many thoughts on both sides of the subject we are writing on. Should teachers have a dress code? Many arguments can be made for both sides of this subject. I believe that yes, teachers should have a dress code. I can argue for both sides but I believe in the fact that they should have a dress code.
             When I hear the word teachers, I think of many words one of them being proffesional. If my teacher showed up to class in sweats and a t-shirt I would think they dont care about this so why should I. I know you may be saying but the dress code may be too strict, yes it can be but seriously if students can follow a strict dress why cant the teachers follow a dress code as well.
             Dress codes are used to keep students and teachers from wearing outfits or garments that are not appropriate for a school setting. I believe schools should give teachers a dress code. Another reason is that many teachers might show up to work in inappropriate outfits. School is supposed to be a professional place for students to go and feel comfortable but how are we supposed to be comfortable if our teacher is wearing inappropriate garments.
             School should be wear you dress professional. So if you are a teacher who can not dress professionally to work I believe you either need a dress code or should not teach. If you make your students uncomfortable because of what you are wearing they are not going to learn well. So yes, I believe teachers should have a dress code.
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Dress Coding Teachers?

Do Teachers at your school ever dress inappropriately? To me teachers should know what is and isn't appropriate to wear around students. Wearing inappropriate things to a job doesn't look very nice, it makes you look unprofessional as to someone that dresses nicely. Do you think teachers should have to be informed about whats a suited outfit to wear while working? I don't. I think all teachers should be smart enough not to wear really short shorts or skirts, or really baggy pants or sagging pants and shirts that have an average sized sleeve. 

I understand why kids get dress codded for wearing inappropriate items to school  and they find it unfair teachers have more of a "privilege" on what they wear. Mostly its because most teachers know what is okay to wear to work. Teachers shouldn't have to be told that their wearing something inappropriate to work. Any teacher could easily make a student feel uncomfortable by what they choose to wear while teaching children. When a child goes to school they should feel comfortable when being around a teacher. 

All teachers should be smart enough to know what is appropriate to wear at work. A job is a place for business not for dressing like you would maybe at home or going out.I think all teachers should take into consideration that what their wearing may not be suitable for work and being in front of a student or young child.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Should teachers have a dress code? Honestly, teachers need to dress professionally. But to have an extremely enforced dress code is a bit too much. I think teachers and students should have the same dress code. To be sent home as a teacher to change your clothes? Too extreme. If I was an adult, and I was sent home to change my clothes over something silly like wearing a blouse without a collar, I'd laugh in their face. If the students can't wear tank tops or shorts/skirts higher than their finger tips, then neither should the teachers. The students are forced to change into a set of clothing given to them but for a teacher to have to change? That's too much. As a teacher, you should know how to dress. If you come to school exposing undergarments then you don't deserve to be a teacher. Student's are supposed to respect their teachers. Coming to school dressed inappropriately doesn't earn you respect. I don't see the problem with a teacher coming to school  in a button up shirt and blue jeans. As long as you look respectable. Respectable as in decent, casual, comfortable, church clothes as I like to call it. Nothing like sweatpants and flip flops. Jeans, slacks, a nice blouse or a button up/collared shirt. That states you're a respectable, fun teacher who enjoys their job enough to not overdress. Pantyhose and heels are unpractical for our Southern California weather. Over all, teachers and students should have the same dress code.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mr. Vega's Blog

I expect to have a lot of fun blogging this year. I expect this to be challenging. However, I love to write and I love a challenge. I'm dreading trying to blog all the time on an iphone. I'm really looking forward to making everything I blog as funny and interesting as I am. I imagine we'll be posting some pretty cool stuff since Mr. Vega seems pretty cool for a teacher. I hope this is fun. English has always been my favorite subject. I do care about my writing especially since this is public. I've always been a good writer and I am a little cocky about it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

righting blogs this year

This year i am looking forward to writing a blog . It probably will incurage me to write more stuf about my self and day to day things . being in exselerated classes and all is realy differnt for me due to past years and grades . But i am looking forward to this and i am glad i have the chance to start my first year of bloging in MR.Vegas english class . Im prety sure i will have alot of learning experinces but this will definatley be my favorit one this year.


How do i feel about starting a blog? Well i think starting a blog will be a good experience for future reference on collage classes. It also may be fun getting to write stories and publish them online for the public to read. Learning how to blog is going to be a fun and a good experience for me. I am really looking forward to starting my blog. 

What Do I Expect This Year?

         What do I expect this year? Well I expect many things such as fun writing assignment, boring essays I never wish to see again, and regular assignments like this one. I hope to post assignments that mean something to me and many people also assignments that show the meaning of life or friendships. I am not looking forward to boring essays, for example if I was given a prompt that said what would you do with 100 dollars, I would consider it boring. I hope that when I am done with this year I will know many new things about writing on a blog and about just simply writing.

        I hope the good things that I expect out of this year will be a reality. I also hope that the things I am dreading hopefully don't happen. I am look forward to this assignment because I have always wanted the chance to see how it is to write on a blog and now I hope it turns out to be a good experience. This year will hopefully be and exciting experience that will help me learn throughout the year.

Mr. Vega's Extraordinary Blog

          For the next eight months I envision myself posting inspiring, fun, and important, blogs. The inspiring posts will most likely be about what has happened once in our lives or what will be helpful in the future. The fun posts are what I think will be the best because, since Mr. Vega is a fun teacher, he will let us do random and crazy blogs. Such as what we enjoy doing in our fee time and why and, when the time comes, what we did over the break(s). The most hardest ones I think will be the important posts because, he may be fun but he is strict also, we could be assigned to do a post about a book that we will need to read.
            I am dreading that if I do a blog it could be deleted by accident. Also that I won't understand exactly what to post so I wont get a good grade.I'm most excited about the posts all together. I don't like to write on paper, but I will definitely write an essay, if I have to, on the internet. This class will be helpful later in life by showing me how to type on the computer really fast. Since I will be practicing a lot.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


      I Na'Mya Robinson envision myself (and class) posting about life lessons, inspirational blogs, and/or weird, random blogs. Life lessons can tell about personal things that, that person wants to specifically share about to someone on how they can avoid this problem, improve on it, or even how to accomplish it. Inspirational blogs can be about how someone got inspired of what someone did to their lives and made them change or what they did and showed them a way to achieve their goal(s).Weird or random blogs can be about weird or random things to you of what you seen, eperienced or thought about doing.
     I'm most excited about how far my mind will go on the creativity level. I don't know exactly how I'm going to act when I'm assigned the topic of what I have to do on the blog but, I can go above and beyond when its something that I really enjoy.
     I dread that when i publish any of my blogs, people will comment rude or harsh things just to bring me down of what I accomplished. It'll just be one of those days when you don't take criticism in or what other people say bad things about you just to make them feel good about their-selves.
     I personally hope to receive out of this experience is to improve on my literature, writing, and my BLOGGING! :)

Dread,Excitement, Expectations

  This year, I am hopeful that these posts dont get to difficult. I am dreading the day that these get more challenging. Over the next 8 months, I want my writing to evolve and become better than its ever been. I am hoping that I will be able to post samples of the book that I have finally decided to start writing again.(And hopefully it will get published by the end of this school year). This should be a fun yet somewhat challenging assignment that me and all of this class should(will)enjoy. P.S.to all the nutjobs on these blogs that dont enjoy this, your stuck with it and you should make the best of it.